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kitty bios


Ada is a snuggly Burmilla named after the first computer programmer Ada Lovelace.  Ada instantly bonded with her owners and loves to cuddle.  She is very vocal and passionate about food.  Her favorite human food is burfi, although she will also accept butter, goat cheese, and meat.  She loves chasing after balls and pouncing after her feather toys.



Anita is a super-sweet kitty with a long origin story. Anita's human, Christine, learned of a stray kitty from her apartment complex who had been taken to a shelter that she knew was not a no-kill shelter. Christine spent weeks trying to track this kitty down, thwarted by a series of bureaucratic snafus. At the end of the agonizing search, on the day she finally found the kitty, Christine learned that her grandmother, Anita, had passed away.  She knew in that moment that this kitty was meant to be part of her family, and should carry on her grandma's name. 


Anita likes perching in high places, and some of her favorite diva poses include "super-kitty" and of course, the ever-popular "loaf."  She is also famous for walking on keyboards, and occasionally sending messages!

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Autumn wandered into her human’s (Steven) front yard at 2 years old. Malnourished, dehydrated, and injured. She was too scared to be approached but too weak to get away. After her surgery, she was set up with a nice place outside with hopes to be adopted. Curious one day, her human opened the door for her. She sauntered in, hopped in his lap, and went to sleep.


Autumn is quite the talker. She meows for food, treats, attention, to go outside, etc. Her favorite thing is to hold a conversation while sitting in your lap. Her and her human will meow to each other back and forth for quite some time. Now that Autumn knows who the vet is, and what the carrier means, she doesn’t go without a fight!

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Boo Boo

Boo Boo was born on a farm in Red Lion Pennsylvania. When her now best friends, my wife Melanie and I, met her we couldn’t help but notice that while the other kittens were romping and playing, she just laid belly up on the floor by herself. We said to each other, there’s clearly something wrong with this one, we have to take her home with us. Boo Boo enjoys napping and toys shaped like vegetables. She disapproves of the sound of crumpling bags and anything chicken flavored. She’s not particularly interested in adults, children, animals, food, or most inanimate objects. She has a sweet but aloof attitude to just about everything. Like I said, there’s something wrong with her but we love her anyway and I think she loves us too.


[Editor's Note: Jamie is a founder of The Secret Cabal Gaming Podcast, and Boo Boo's card is available in the promo pack created for their Kickstarter. It will be available during their May 2024 campaign. Check back soon for that link.]


Brimley was a kind soul with a big heart—literally and figuratively. He was rescued from a hoarding situation and his adopters tried to acclimate him to the household slowly—but he didn't want to wait, and jumped over every barrier in his way to jump in their arms and become part of the family immediately. He loved everyone he met, including other cats, even if they didn't always appreciate his enthusiasm. 


His oversized heart meant he had a lot of serious medical needs, but his family was more than willing to adapt their lives to him. And so was he—sitting every morning in his "pill spot" waiting for his meds and his treats. He spent three years filling his family's lives with joy, making sure every day to remind his dad to always take time to snuggle and enjoy the morning sun. Something that, even though he has crossed the rainbow bridge, his parents make sure to remember.



Buddy the Gaming Cat loves board games more than anything, which is fitting, as he is served by his human, Chris, one of the designers of Hissy Fit!  Buddy is truly an enigma.  He looks so cute curled up in a game box, long fur floofing everywhere, and Chris even had to put an old game box under his computer monitor so Buddy would always a place to sleep near the action.  But he is also a vicious miscreant: he loves to chase his fishing pole toys, doing acrobatic leaps to catch his prey, and doesn’t hesitate to give his humans some disciplinary bites when they try to pet him at the wrong time.  Only Buddy knows when it is the right or wrong time.  But at night, he has a special place in Chris’s son’s bed where he purrs feverishly and makebiscuits before curling up for the night like a little angel. However, the “You’re Next” card perfectly captures Buddy’s terrifying dark side! 


Captain Nog

[Bio pending.] 

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Charley, adopted in March 2022 from behind a New Jersey gas station, had a nasty leg wound from an animal attack. With vet care and antibiotics in her new home, she was soon feeling better. Initially timid, she spent her first night staring at herself in the mirror! 


Now, a year later, she enjoys lounging in her hammock or on the bed but remains wary of strangers… and vacuums, hiding under the bed when they're near! Despite being a bit chubby, she eagerly waddles for pets or food and squeaks when she meows. She repeatedly attempts to make friends with her housemate, Sunshine, who consistently rejects her advances.  But she never gives up.

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Charlie was found on a farm and brought to the vet clinic where his human, Heidi, worked. Instead of taking him back to the farm, Charlie went home with Heidi where he has been for 14 years as of today. For much of his life, Charlie was a wallflower. Over the past several years he's blossomed into a more confident cat who loves pets and cuddles on the couch. Long gone are the days when he'd run at the sound of a sneeze.


Charlie is known for going into "gargoyle mode." He sits perched on the cat tree and surveys the living room. When his other three catmates get the zoomies, Charlie grumbles like a grumpy old man. He’ll climb down, and waddle over to check things out. Once he's satisfied, he'll go back to his gargoyle perch.

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Cinnamon is our grumpy old lady. Served by Chris, one of the designers of Hissy Fit, Cinnamon spends most of her time as a recluse, hidden away in the master suite upstairs.  She loves looking out the bedroom window at the wildlife that passes by along the canal behind the house, and enjoys drinking from the bathroom faucet.  Her evil step-brothers, Buddy and Pixel, love to terrorize her when she comes downstairs. But she loves to hiss at them, even when they’re trying to be nice.  


Pum’s wonderful illustration of Cinnamon under our quilt with the sun shining through has become one of the game’s most beloved images!



A cat with a round body and colored like a coconut. She has a quiet personality but is good at scratching. She likes grilled catfish the best. One day she walked through the fence into the house and slept like it was her own. Then she acted like a boss and completely took over the house. I had to give my grilled catfish to Coconut to make a peace treaty!


[Editor's Note: Coconut belongs to Oni, the boyfriend of our amazing illustrator, Pum.  Oni translated between us throughout the project.  Thanks again, Oni!]

Commander Saul Tigh

Commander Saul Tigh (along with his brother Blind Hans Moleman) was rescued in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.  With only one eye between them they are completely fearless, living their best lives with their furry kitty friends and devoted two-legged servants.


Saul's favourite things to do are to yell to demand endless pets, cuddle up in heated blankets, jump on top of the kitchen hood fan to supervise food preparations and attempt to break the land speed record at 3am.  He would like to encourage people to watch Battlestar Galactica and reminds everyone that "Bald is beautiful, baby!"


© 2023-2024 - Stone Age Distractions

© Stone Creative Studios, LLC dba Stone Age Distractions 2022-2024

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