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Hissy Fit Press Release

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For Immediate Release


Cat Game Crowdfunding Pledge Level Comes with a Real Cat


The Kickstarter campaign for Hissy Fit, a cooperative card game about getting your cat in the

carrier, will include a pledge level where at least one backer will get a real cat with their game.


          Vacaville, CA — December 21, 2022 — Independent board game publisher Stone Age Distractions announced today that its upcoming Kickstarter campaign for Hissy Fit, a game by designers Chris Stone and Levi Robertson scheduled to launch in January 2023, will include a pledge level providing at least one lucky backer with an actual live cat in addition to a copy of the game.  If a backer at this pledge level adopts a cat during the campaign, the game creators will reimburse up to $200 in adoption and/or veterinary fees. 


          “We’re all huge pet-lovers,” said Chris Stone, Designer and Owner at Stone Age Distractions.  “This game celebrates all the cats in our lives, and the joy, laughs and frustrations they bring.  We wanted to do something special to share the joy of being owned by a cat with our backers.”


Hissy Fit, a Cooperative Card Game


          Hissy Fit is a card game in which 1 to 4 players are cat owners working cooperatively to guide their cat into the carrier to take to the vet.  But the cat doesn’t know what’s good for it, and will hide, scheme and fight to avoid getting in the box.  Players must play their “Human Cards” representing toys, distractions, treats and ploys to overcome “Cat Cards” that stop them from moving the cat into the carrier.  If the players get the cat in the box, they win.  But if the cat has too many “Hissy Fits” or delivers too many scratches, the players lose.


Delivering an Important Message


          Included in each game, backers will find links to real information about how to get their cat safely into the carrier using veterinarian-approved methods, as well as information on pet adoption.  “Pet adoption is so important, and it’s wonderful that Stone Age Distractions is sponsoring adoptions by its backers during this campaign,” said Kelly London-Austin, a practicing veterinarian in Davis, California. “Each year, over 800,000 animals are taken in by California’s public and private shelters, with fewer than half adopted into new homes.  This campaign is offering a valuable service by shining a spotlight, both on how to safely transport pets, and on pet adoption.”




          The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.


For more information, press only:


Chris Stone, Stone Age Distractions

775-544-9116 (phone or text)


For more information on Hissy Fit:


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